Thursday, January 23, 2014

Karni Mata rat temple, India

Karni Mata temple has a history of 600 years old is a Hindu temple located in Deshnoke , Rajasthan , India . It is considered as one of the most unusual temples in the world when the church ... mouse . This is a place of worship goddess Karni Mata thus Mouse mouse , especially mice are considered sacred animals . Karni Mata Temple with palatial architecture , the exquisite marble and adorned with gold and silver objects is the habitat of 20,000 mice . Even beyond thousands of people come here also coincides distant only to worship them , find every way to pull them out of the cave by rising food prasad ( a food like candy ) . Karni Mata is probably the only place in the world where people live stained , cordial with thousands of mice - animals are considered to be synonymous with plague and disease . However, there is a strange thing during the lifetime of this temple , never had any diseases or illnesses related to the mouse happens to those who visit.

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