blood soup is fresh food , using fresh ingredients as animal blood . they are mixed with a little water or salt water fish from the east to the brake light before mixing with the meat , minced animal cartilage to blood clotting .
How to cooking so prevalent in the cuisine of Vietnam from north to south but not seen in the cuisine of a world elsewhere . Due to the strange ways of processing as well as very ... scary form of " blood soup " that this dish was listed as the most macabre dishes in the world .
While living in Hanoi , freelance photographer Dominic Blewett Germany did not miss the opportunity to make impressive photographs of Vietnam pudding dish .
blood soup is very popular in Vietnam, but it was listed as the dish "creepy" in the world.
There are two most common types of blood soup is pork and duck blood soup. There is also the short scene, goats, snakes, even crab soup, lobster.
Dat Viet