Monday, February 17, 2014

Venice Valentine season

The city that rarely see the shadow of this car is where lovers always wish once arrived. 
Located next to the Adriatic Sea, Venice (aka Venezia), the city consists of a complex of 118 small islands, divided by canals but connected together by bridges.

Venice and the ancient grandeur of the massive work influenced medieval architectural styles of art from Byzantium , Islam to Gothic . Romantic Venice with the morning dew mist white , pink purple sunsets of the water , and the couple holding hands sitting on the gondola crept small canals around the city .

By Venice 's unique floating city at sea where all materials are transported by boat from the mainland . Although price is considered to be the most expensive in the European tourist destination but the growing number of people to high . Especially in January and festival season 2 , coinciding with Valentine's Day . Partying and mask festivals are held all over the place always attracts tourists flock to the city, welcomes more than 60,000 average visitors / day , more than the population of Venice .

Luxury vacation

For those visitors that money is not the issue , Venice offers a service luxury resort enjoying romantic . You can stay in the heart of St Mark always crowded tourists but still convenient for sightseeing, or in a smaller hotel , with space rooms have modern design , trendy , or style traditional way .

If possible , you will be one of the visitors have the opportunity to book a room at the San Clemente Palace , 5 star , or hotel dei Dragomanni , doors overlooking the Grand Canal Grand Canal , or to feel Palazzo Abadessa recognize the true romantic scenes of the city.

You can ask the person sitting on the gondola with the sailing wear stripes symbol of Venice canals , sipping wine and enjoying the songs right on your exploration of romantic Venice , ancient .

After a day visiting the famous destinations such as Doges Palace , St. . Mark's Basilica , the Campanile bell tower , ... Rialto Market , you can enjoy dinner with candles , flowers and wine with the dedicated service but still have private space right next to a canal hear the waves slapping shore , the boat looked through the ship before returning to St square . Mark to dance at night .

Many couples choose to stay at least one night in bold fairy island called Burano , Venice main island canoe than 1 hour away by taxi. Each house on this island is painted a different color form a colorful island like no other in the world , very much inspired architecture and art lovers around the world love .

Tours savings

If you are not rich you can still experience a romantic Valentine's day in Venice with love by utilizing all the advantages here .

In addition to the central reservation price and hunt away cheap tickets to Venice , when the city , you can refer to programs or discount cards incentives and support the tourists at airports , railway stations or bus stop . These cards will help visitors use the free shuttle train , discounts visiting museums , eating at restaurants or buy some souvenirs in some places .

In addition to the famous attractions , bushwalking world always spend time exploring the city their own way , especially to places no customer ; explore the lives of local people , sitting on the vaporetto ( boat bus ) packed away all major Grand Canal and canal stations had to pick out a unique style traffic of this city .

Not enough money to go on a gondola ( euro/40 80 minutes ) , you can still hand lovers walking along the small canal and watch as the famous bridge of sighs bridge , wooden Accademia Bridge or watching lights line both sides of the canal from Rialto bridge roof .

The trip had crept into the alley next to the canal or small , you'll probably have the opportunity to discover the charm of the city secretly , as the street art on the walls nicely hidden , the stores that sell items locally neck , the bridge was built several centuries ago . Because of the lack of natural color of flowers to plant any trees or flowers on a windowsill branch , railing , or a street corner became a cozy accents make people over .

Though expensive , but Venice has always been voted the most romantic destinations in the world for most visitors ever once set foot here . And of course , once wished return of tourists is also understandable for this unique point .

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